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Marketing Data Providers
Number of Technologies
The global market size of the Marketing Data Providers industry is 285,021 companies, and there are 36 companies producing Marketing Data Providers technologies.
Datanyze helps you reach more than 3,478 contacts that are using Marketing Data Providers , including Walmart Amazon Apple
Top Marketing Data Providers Technologies
Rapleaf has the top spot for best Marketing Data Providers by market share. Followed by Quantcast and ownerIQ
Top Technologies
Marketing Data Providers supply data acquired from a multitude of outside sources normally used to help create consumer segments for targeting ads and marketing messages.
These are the top industries using Marketing Data Providers Software and tools
Largest companies using marketing data providers software
Ranking | Technology | Vendor | Companies Using | Market Share |
1 | 74,352 | 31.22% | ||
2 | Quantcast Quantcast is an AI-powered platform for user behavior management and analytics. | 46,368 | 19.47% | |
3 | ownerIQ ownerIQ is the leading programmatic advertising solution digitally connecting brands and retailers across the Qniverse through the power of second-par... More | 21,289 | 8.94% | |
4 | comScore comScore provides its customers with marketing metrics from online and offline channels. | 20,671 | 8.68% | |
5 | Eyeota Eyeota is a audience data supplier provides marketers with the data they need to reach the right online audiences. | 20,589 | 8.65% | |
6 | Semasio User Intelligence Platform Semasio User Intelligence Platform allows profiling of individual groups and then address these target groups efficiently and with maximum reach throu... More | 13,382 | 5.62% | |
7 | Clickagy Clickagy is 3rd party data provider for digital marketing and analytics. | 8,557 | 3.59% | |
8 | Narratiive Narratiive is an online audience measurement tool that combines demographic information with direct-from-site data. | 7,805 | 3.28% | |
9 | Cross Pixel Cross Pixel is the leading provider of high performance audience data and audience information for the real time advertising industry. Cross Pixel's m... More | 7,603 | 3.19% | |
10 | gemiusAudience gemiusAudience is an audience measurement tool that combines the site-centric data acquired from the tagged websites, stream players, and applications... More | 3,489 | 1.47% |
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