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Business Intelligence
Number of Technologies
The global market size of the Business Intelligence industry is 383,267 companies, and there are 284 companies producing Business Intelligence technologies.
Datanyze helps you reach more than 66,821 contacts that are using Business Intelligence , including Walmart Amazon Apple
Top Business Intelligence Technologies
Mode has the top spot for best Business Intelligence by market share. Followed by Power BI and Tableau
Power BI
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting
SAP Crystal Reports
Top Technologies
Business Intelligence (BI) software enable access to and analysis of information to improve and optimize decisions and performance.
These are the top industries using Business Intelligence Software and tools
Largest companies using business intelligence software
Ranking | Technology | Vendor | Companies Using | Market Share |
1 | Mode | 68,412 | 21.12% | |
2 | Power BI Microsoft Power BI is a free, self-service business intelligence cloud service that provides non-technical business users with tools for aggregating, ... More | 50,331 | 15.54% | |
3 | Tableau Tableau develops and manufactures products for the computer forensics community. | 43,210 | 13.34% | |
4 | Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Microsoft SQL Server Reporting is a server-based report generating software system | 16,746 | 5.17% | |
5 | SAP Crystal Reports SAP Crystal Reports allows creating richly formatted and dynamic reports from any data source. | 11,929 | 3.68% | |
6 | Looker Looker is a software company employing business intelligence to make data accessible to organizations and data analysts. | 9,466 | 2.92% | |
7 | Tableau Server Tableau Server is a solution for distributing, sharing, and collaborating on content created in Tableau. Users can upload workbooks and views, dashboa... More | 8,424 | 2.60% | |
8 | Tableau Public Tableau Public is a free data visualization service. Visualizations are created in a desktop app and can be embedded into webpages and blogs, and also... More | 7,160 | 2.21% | |
9 | SAP Crystal SAP Crystal solutions allow leveraging a scalable on-premise analytics tool. | 6,489 | 2.00% | |
10 | Google Data Studio Google Data Studio turns data into dashboards and reports. | 5,959 | 1.84% |
New Business Intelligence technologies
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