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Mapping and GIS
Number of Technologies
The global market size of the Mapping and GIS industry is 1,626,720 companies, and there are 54 companies producing Mapping and GIS technologies.
Datanyze helps you reach more than 7,300 contacts that are using Mapping and GIS , including U.S. Department of Defense Walmart Amazon
Top Mapping and GIS Technologies
Google Maps API has the top spot for best Mapping and GIS by market share. Followed by Google Maps API (free) and Leaflet
Google Maps API
Google Maps API (free)
Mapbox GL JS API
Baidu Ibsuyn API
Top Technologies
Mapping and GIS software is used to store, retrieve, manage, display, and analyze geographic and spatial data.
These are the top industries using Mapping and GIS Software and tools
Largest companies using mapping and gis software
Ranking | Technology | Vendor | Companies Using | Market Share |
1 | ![]() Google Maps API Google Maps is a Web-based service that provides detailed information about geographical regions and sites around the world. It offers satellite image... More | | 2,156,862 | 57.10% |
2 | ![]() Google Maps API (free) Google Maps is a web mapping service developed by Google. It offers satellite imagery, street maps, 360° panoramic views of streets (Street View), rea... More | | 942,916 | 24.96% |
3 | ![]() Leaflet Leaflet is the leading open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps. Weighing just about 38 KB of JS, it has all the mapping fe... More | | 220,477 | 5.84% |
4 | ![]() Mapbox GL JS API Mapbox is a platform for designing and publishing custom maps that are fast at scale. | | 173,035 | 4.58% |
5 | ![]() Baidu Ibsuyn API Baidu Maps is a desktop and mobile web mapping service application and technology provided by Baidu, offering satellite imagery, street maps, street v... More | | 105,508 | 2.79% |
6 | ![]() Google Places Google Places allows connecting application or website users to points of interests. | | 46,417 | 1.23% |
7 | ![]() OpenStreetMap It is a non-profit foundation whose aim is to support and enable the development of freely-reusable geospatial data. As its name suggests, it is close... More | | 38,217 | 1.01% |
8 | ![]() ArcGIS Web API A web API for ArcGIS. | | 24,220 | 0.64% |
9 | ![]() Google Maps API Premium Google Maps is a web mapping that offers satellite imagery, street maps, 360° panoramic views of streets (Street View), real-time traffic conditions (... More | | 15,605 | 0.41% |
10 | ![]() Apple Mapkit JS Apple Mapkit JS is used to embed interactive maps directly into web pages. | | 7,482 | 0.20% |
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