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Other Audio, Video, Graphics Software
Number of Technologies
The global market size of the Other Audio, Video, Graphics Software industry is 765,232 companies, and there are 266 companies producing Other Audio, Video, Graphics Software technologies.
Datanyze helps you reach more than 53,440 contacts that are using Other Audio, Video, Graphics Software , including U.S. Department of Defense Walmart Amazon
Top Other Audio, Video, Graphics Software Technologies
MediaElement.js has the top spot for best Other Audio, Video, Graphics Software by market share. Followed by adobe acrobat and SoundCloud Widget
adobe acrobat
SoundCloud Widget
Adobe Flash
Top Technologies
Software that was not included in other Audio, Video, Graphics categories
These are the top industries using Other Audio, Video, Graphics Software and tools
Largest companies using other audio, video, graphics software
Ranking | Technology | Vendor | Companies Using | Market Share |
1 | MediaElement.js MediaElement.js is an HTML media framework, that creates a unified feel for media files (MP4, MP3, FLV), streaming content (HLS, M(PEG)-DASH, RTMP), a... More | 1,442,223 | 67.94% | |
2 | adobe acrobat The main function of Adobe Acrobat is creating, viewing, and editing PDF documents | 96,568 | 4.55% | |
3 | SoundCloud Widget SoundCloud is an online audio distribution platform based in Berlin, Germany, that enables its users to upload, record, promote, and share their origi... More | 87,126 | 4.10% | |
4 | Adobe Flash Adobe Flash (formerly called Shockwave Flash, often just called Flash) is a multimedia software platform used for production of animations, rich Inter... More | 68,386 | 3.22% | |
5 | jPlayer jPlayer is a cross-browser JavaScript library developed as a jQuery Plugin which facilitates the embedding of web based media, notably HTML5 audio and... More | 62,771 | 2.96% | |
6 | Plyr Plyr is an HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo player. | 56,434 | 2.66% | |
7 | 40,400 | 1.90% | ||
8 | Video.js Video.js is a web video player built from the ground up for an HTML5 world. It supports HTML5 and Flash video, as well as YouTube and Vimeo (through p... More | 33,510 | 1.58% | |
9 | Libsyn Libsyn provides all podcast needs: publishing tools, media hosting and delivery, RSS for iTunes, a website, stats, advertising programs, premium conte... More | 29,355 | 1.38% | |
10 | Zencoder Zencoder is an online video converting/encoding/transcoding service. We take videos that you get from your website's users, or other sources, and conv... More | 28,420 | 1.34% |
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