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Holding Companies & Conglomerates
The top holding companies and conglomerates in the world have a controlling interest in one or more companies, known as subsidiaries, below them. A holding company’s aim is to reduce competition and create a monopoly for a particular industry. A conglomerate operates as the parent company of unrelated business operations that are designed
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United States, Denmark and Japan
Most common countries in this industry
Rank | Company Name | Revenue | Headquarter Location |
Rank 1 | Company Name Berkshire Hathaway | Revenue $453B | Headquarter location Omaha, United States |
Rank 2 | Company Name PDD Holdings | Revenue $297B | Headquarter location Dublin, Ireland |
Rank 3 | Company Name Cardinal Health | Revenue $221B | Headquarter location Dublin, United States |
Rank 4 | Company Name Tata Group | Revenue $165B | Headquarter location Mumbai, India |
Rank 5 | Company Name China Railway Construction | Revenue $157B | Headquarter location Beijing, China |
Rank 6 | Company Name Walgreens Boots Alliance | Revenue $148B | Headquarter location Deerfield, United States |
Rank 7 | Company Name Mitsubishi Corporation | Revenue $138B | Headquarter location Tokyo, Japan |
Rank 8 | Company Name CITIC Limited | Revenue $137B | Headquarter location Beijing, China |
Rank 9 | Company Name Mitsubishi Group | Revenue $137B | Headquarter location Tokyo, Japan |
Rank 10 | Company Name Schwarz Group | Revenue $136B | Headquarter location Neckarsulm, Germany |
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Here's a look at the most trending Holding Companies & Conglomerates companies in January 2025.
These results are based on the most active and popular searches in our database
HWH International
Bright Mountain Media
The Binary Holdings
Ondas Networks
Hyperscale Data
DevvStream Holdings