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Homepage Cable & Satellite XipLink

Sasmith Reddi


Sasmith Reddi

Senior VP, Marketing

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According to Datanyze information, these are Sasmith Reddi's contact details. Reveal the hidden information below for FREE!


Phone (Direct)

+1 703 ❅❅❅ ❅❅❅❅

Phone (Direct)


Phone (Mobile)

+91 98❅❅❅ ❅❅❅❅❅

Phone (Mobile)


Phone (HQ)

(514) 848-9640

Phone (HQ)


Office Address (HQ)

4200 St Laurent Blvd Ste 1010, Montreal, Quebec, H2W 2R2, Canada

Office Address (HQ)

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Work Biography for Sasmith Reddi, XipLink

Sasmith Reddi works as a Senior VP, Marketing at XipLink, which is a Cable & Satellite company with an estimated 33 employees; and founded in 2007. They are part of the Marketing team within the Marketing Department and their management level is VP-Level. Sasmith graduated from University of Maryland and is currently based in India. They used to work at XipLink and iDirect and have used the following emails: ,

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Previous Work Experience

Sasmith Reddi's career began less then a year ago. Prior to joining XipLink, Sasmith worked at 8 companies.




Managing Director (Asia Pacific)


Director, Systems Engineering




Director, Technical Marketing


Regional Consultant

FORE Systems

Regional Consultant

SETA Corporation

Network Engineer


Master's degree

University of Maryland

Sasmith's Workplace


XipLink is the leading independent global technology provider for wireless link optimization using standards based SCPS protocol acceleration, streaming data compression and Internet optimizations to deliver a better wireless experience over stressed communication links. XipLink is a privately-owned...Read More

4200 St Laurent Blvd Ste 1010, Montreal, Quebec, H2W 2R2, Canada


$6.7 M

Cable & Satellite, Telecommunications, Manufacturing, Telecommunication Equipment

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Ice Breakers

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Sasmith’s company in the news


ST Engineering iDirect partners with XipLink to implement advanced security feature for 4G LTE deployments across Europe and Africa

October 26, 2021


ST Engineering iDirect partners with XipLink to implement advanced...

October 26, 2021


XipLink Joins Envistacom’s Transport Virtualization Initiative

September 23, 2020

See more

Insights to Break the Ice

In your first interaction

star Sasmith’s CEO is Jack Waters

star Sasmith is located in India

funding XipLink’s Funding

Last funding


February 25, 2014

Total raised


Work Colleague

See Sasmith Reddi's coworkers out of XipLink's 33 employees

Frequently Asked Questions about Sasmith Reddi

Get Free Access to Sasmith's Contact Info

What company does Sasmith Reddi work for?

Sasmith Reddi works for XipLink

What is Sasmith Reddi’s title in XipLink?

Sasmith Reddi’s title in XipLink is Senior VP, Marketing

Where is Sasmith Reddi located?

Sasmith's company headquarters are in Montreal, Quebec

What is Sasmith Reddi’s headquarters phone number?

Sasmith Reddi’s headquarters phone number is (514) 848-9640

Where did Sasmith Reddi go to college?

Sasmith's most recent academic degree is Master's degree, from University of Maryland