Phone (HQ)
(215) 794-3700
Phone (HQ)


Office Address (HQ)
740 Edison Furlong Rd, Furlong, Pennsylvania, 18925, United States
Office Address (HQ)
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Rob Castro
According to Datanyze information, these are Rob Castro's contact details. Reveal the hidden information below for FREE!
Phone (HQ)
(215) 794-3700
Phone (HQ)
Office Address (HQ)
740 Edison Furlong Rd, Furlong, Pennsylvania, 18925, United States
Office Address (HQ)
Rob Castro works as a Director, Member Services at Cornerstone, which is a Fitness & Dance Facilities company with an estimated 294 employees; and founded in 1995. They are part of the Customer Service / Support team within the Operations Department and their management level is Director. Rob graduated from Kean University and is currently based in Furlong, United States. They used to work at Greater Somerset County YMCA and Life Time and have used the following emails: @cornerstoneclubs.com.
Hmmm… Why don’t you give Rob a call? ☎️😉
Rob Castro's career began less then a year ago. Prior to joining Cornerstone, Rob worked at 9 companies.
Membership Administrative Coordinator
Personal Trainer
Assistant General Manager
Fitness Consultant
General Support Temp, Customer Service- Dress Shirts
Shift Server Leader & Bartender
Personal Trainer and Intern
Supervisor, Front End
Raritan Valley Community College
Kean University
740 Edison Furlong Rd, Furlong, Pennsylvania, 18925, United States
$39.1 M
Fitness & Dance Facilities, Hospitality
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Rob is located in United States
Cornerstone’s Funding
Last funding
January 22, 2021
Total raised
Work Colleague
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