Phone (HQ)
(718) 613-2600
Phone (HQ)


Office Address (HQ)
C/o Douglas Grover Schlam Stone Dol, New York City, New York, 10004, United States
Office Address (HQ)
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Meghan Liu
According to Datanyze information, these are Meghan Liu's contact details. Reveal the hidden information below for FREE!
Phone (HQ)
(718) 613-2600
Phone (HQ)
Office Address (HQ)
C/o Douglas Grover Schlam Stone Dol, New York City, New York, 10004, United States
Office Address (HQ)
Meghan Liu works as a Law Clerk at Eastern District Civil Litigation Fund, which is a Government company with an estimated 236 employees; and founded in 1865. They are part of the Legal team within the Legal Department and their management level is Non-Manager. Meghan is currently based in New York City, United States. They used to work at Cleary Gottlieb and Legal Services Center of Harvard Law School and have used the following emails: @nyed.uscourts.gov, @sullcrom.com.
Wow! Meghan seems fun! 😎
Meghan Liu's career began less then a year ago. Prior to joining Eastern District Civil Litigation Fund, Meghan worked at 17 companies.
Cleary Gottlieb Pro Bono Fellow
Litigation Associate
Student Attorney
Student Attorney
Summer Associate
Financial Institutions Legal Assistant
Attorney General's Office of Massachusetts
Non-Profit Organizations and Public Charities Division Intern
Tufts University Department of Economics
Research Assistant
Marketing and Business Development Intern
Global Volunteer
Legal Intern
Reporter Intern
Tufts University International Relations Program
Program Assistant
Research Assistant
Fundraising Caller
Wings of Music Children's Charity Organization
Program Assistant
University of Texas at Dallas School of Engineering
Data Analyst & Intern
Eastern District Civil Litigation Fund
C/o Douglas Grover Schlam Stone Dol, New York City, New York, 10004, United States
$25.9 M
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Meghan is located in United States
Work Colleague
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