Phone (HQ)
(902) 492-8201
Phone (HQ)

Office Address (HQ)
5657 Spring Garden Rd Ste 401, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 3R4, Canada
Office Address (HQ)
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Leann Handrahan
Nova Scotia Hearing and Speech Foundation
According to Datanyze information, these are Leann Handrahan's contact details. Reveal the hidden information below for FREE!
Phone (HQ)
(902) 492-8201
Phone (HQ)
Office Address (HQ)
5657 Spring Garden Rd Ste 401, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 3R4, Canada
Office Address (HQ)
Leann Handrahan works as a Communication Disorders Technician at Nova Scotia Hearing and Speech Foundation, which is a Government company with an estimated 95 employees; and founded in 1963., their management level is Non-Manager. Leann is currently based in Canada. They used to work at Harmonize for Hearing, Speech and Language Clinic and Highland Hearing Clinic.
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Leann Handrahan's career began less then a year ago. Prior to joining Nova Scotia Hearing and Speech Foundation, Leann worked at 8 companies.
ESL Teacher
Harmonize for Hearing, Speech and Language Clinic
Student - Speech Rotation
Communicative Disorders Assistant - Placement Student
Communicative Disorders Assistant - Placement Student
Harmonize for Speech, Hearing and Language Clinic
Student - Speech Rotation
Student Research Assistant for the Dean of Arts
Nova Scotia Hearing and Speech Foundation
5657 Spring Garden Rd Ste 401, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 3R4, Canada
$6.4 M
Government, Non-Profit & Charitable Organizations, Organizations
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Leann is located in Canada
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