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Homepage Manufacturing MMS Holdings

John Richardson


John Richardson

Regional Financial Controller

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MMS Holdings

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According to Datanyze information, these are John Richardson's contact details. Reveal the hidden information below for FREE!


Phone (Mobile)

+1 936 ❅❅❅ ❅❅❅❅

Phone (Mobile)


Phone (HQ)

(734) 245-0310

Phone (HQ)










Office Address (HQ)

6880 Commerce Blvd, Canton, Michigan, 48187, United States

Office Address (HQ)

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Work Biography for John Richardson, MMS Holdings

John Richardson works as a Regional Financial Controller at MMS Holdings, which is a Manufacturing company with an estimated 950 employees; and founded in 2006. They are part of the Accounting team within the Finance Department and their management level is Non-Manager. John is currently based in Houston, United States. They used to work at Metals USA and Vicwest and have used the following emails:

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Previous Work Experience

John Richardson's career began less then a year ago. Prior to joining MMS Holdings, John worked at 3 companies.

TAM International

Cost Accountant

Metals USA

Manager, Inventory Control


Manager, Inventory Control

John's Workplace

MMS Holdings

In 2006, MMS was created by Dr. Uma Sharma, with a vision to turn a one-person consultancy into a global, data-focused CRO that caters to the unique and often changing needs of sponsors. Years later, with an impeccable 97 percent customer satisfaction rating, MMS stays true to its dependable and cus...Read More

6880 Commerce Blvd, Canton, Michigan, 48187, United States


$320.7 M

Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals, Business Services, Research & Development

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John’s company in the news


MMS Named Great Place to Work in the UK as Growth in the Region Doubles

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MMS Scientific Advisory Board’s New Members Expand CRO’s Therapeutic Expertise

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MMS Partners with I-ACT to Advance Children’s Clinical Trials

February 21, 2023

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Insights to Break the Ice

In your first interaction

star John’s CEO is Uma Sharma

star John is located in United States

funding MMS Holdings’s Funding

Total raised


Work Colleague

See John Richardson's coworkers out of MMS Holdings's 950 employees

Frequently Asked Questions about John Richardson

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What company does John Richardson work for?

John Richardson works for MMS Holdings

What is John Richardson’s title in MMS Holdings?

John Richardson’s title in MMS Holdings is Regional Financial Controller

What is John Richardson’s email & phone number?

John Richardson’s email & phone numbers are available for Datanyze users.and reveal John Richardson’s contact information....See More

Where is John Richardson located?

John's company headquarters are in Canton, Michigan

What is John Richardson’s headquarters phone number?

John Richardson’s headquarters phone number is (734) 245-0310