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Homepage Hospitality Spiegel

Chenelle Harris


Chenelle Harris

Director, Human Resources

Spiegel's logo


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According to Datanyze information, these are Chenelle Harris's contact details. Reveal the hidden information below for FREE!


Phone (Mobile)

+1 757 ❅❅❅ ❅❅❅❅

Phone (Mobile)


Phone (HQ)

(212) 228-2894

Phone (HQ)






Office Address (HQ)

1 Liberty Plz Fl 35, New York City, New York, 10006, United States

Office Address (HQ)

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Work Biography for Chenelle Harris, Spiegel

Chenelle Harris works as a Director, Human Resources at Spiegel, which is a Hospitality company with an estimated 317 employees; and founded in 1865. They are part of the Human Resources team within the Human Resources Department and their management level is Director. Chenelle is currently based in Norfolk, United States. They used to work at Amerigroup and Gateway and have used the following emails: ,

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Previous Work Experience

Chenelle Harris's career began less then a year ago. Prior to joining Spiegel, Chenelle worked at 3 companies.

InMotion Hosting

Director, Human Resources


Director, Human Resources


Manager, Human Resources

Chenelle's Workplace


Spiegel LLC is a multi-channel, direct-to-consumer retailer of women's fashion apparel through its three primary brands: Spiegel, Newport News and Shape FX. Each brand reaches its customer base through a combination of specialty catalogs sent to customers throughout the year, as well as offerings vi...Read More

1 Liberty Plz Fl 35, New York City, New York, 10006, United States


$17.4 M

Hospitality, Restaurants

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Ice Breakers

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Chenelle’s company in the news


NATO general wants alliance troops in Bulgaria, Romania - Der Spiegel

December 18, 2021


Snap CEO Evan Spiegel says social media companies must take responsibility instead of waiting for laws

October 19, 2021


KKR Names Snap's Evan Spiegel as Independent Director - Mergers & Acquisitions

October 6, 2021

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Insights to Break the Ice

In your first interaction

star Chenelle is located in United States

Work Colleague

See Chenelle Harris's coworkers out of Spiegel's 317 employees

Frequently Asked Questions about Chenelle Harris

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What company does Chenelle Harris work for?

Chenelle Harris works for Spiegel

What is Chenelle Harris’s title in Spiegel?

Chenelle Harris’s title in Spiegel is Director, Human Resources

What is Chenelle Harris’s email & phone number?

Chenelle Harris’s email & phone numbers are available for Datanyze users.and reveal Chenelle Harris’s contact information....See More

Where is Chenelle Harris located?

Chenelle's company headquarters are in New York City, New York

What is Chenelle Harris’s headquarters phone number?

Chenelle Harris’s headquarters phone number is (212) 228-2894