Phone (Direct)
+1 937 ❅❅❅ ❅❅❅❅
Phone (Direct)

Phone (HQ)
(855) 653-5463
Phone (HQ)



Office Address (HQ)
2405 County Line Rd, Kettering, Ohio, 45430, United States
Office Address (HQ)
Brandy Wilson
According to Datanyze information, these are Brandy Wilson's contact details. Reveal the hidden information below for FREE!
Phone (Direct)
+1 937 ❅❅❅ ❅❅❅❅
Phone (Direct)
Phone (HQ)
(855) 653-5463
Phone (HQ)
Office Address (HQ)
2405 County Line Rd, Kettering, Ohio, 45430, United States
Office Address (HQ)
Brandy Wilson works as a Supervisor, Digital Marketing at Naked Lime Marketing, which is an Advertising & Marketing company with an estimated 308 employees; and founded in 2011. They are part of the Digital Marketing team within the Marketing Department and their management level is Manager. Brandy is currently based in Dayton, United States. They used to work at Naked Lime Marketing and American Trim and have used the following emails: @nakedlime.com.
Wow! Brandy seems fun! 😎
Brandy Wilson's career began less then a year ago. Prior to joining Naked Lime Marketing, Brandy worked at 9 companies.
Senior Digital Marketing Specialist
Naked Lime Marketing
SEO Specialist
Marketing Intern
Graphic Design & Web Development Assistant
Intern and Social Media Assistant
Intern and Social Media Assistant
Social Media Assistant
Phonathon Caller
Naked Lime Marketing
2405 County Line Rd, Kettering, Ohio, 45430, United States
$156.1 M
Advertising & Marketing, Business Services
Ice Breakers
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Brandy’s company in the news
Naked Lime Whitepapers and E-books Deliver Dealer Insights, Cap Off an Eventful 2019
January 9, 2020
Naked Lime Whitepapers and E-books Deliver Dealer Insights, Cap Off an Eventful 2019
January 9, 2020
Naked Lime Marketing Launches Video Creation Services for Dealership Online Advertising
October 18, 2019
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Insights to Break the Ice
In your first interaction
Brandy is located in United States
Naked Lime by Naked Lime Marketing is used by 29 companies
Work Colleague
See Brandy Wilson's coworkers out of Naked Lime Marketing's 308 employees