Phone (HQ)
+31 202159555
Phone (HQ)

Office Address (HQ)
180 Uitbreidingstraat, Antwerpen, Flanders, 2600, Belgium
Office Address (HQ)
Bonita Logan
According to Datanyze information, these are Bonita Logan's contact details. Reveal the hidden information below for FREE!
Phone (HQ)
+31 202159555
Phone (HQ)
Office Address (HQ)
180 Uitbreidingstraat, Antwerpen, Flanders, 2600, Belgium
Office Address (HQ)
Bonita Logan works as a Quality Assistant at IPG Group, which is a Business Services company with an estimated 2,669 employees; and founded in 1961., their management level is Non-Manager. Bonita is currently based in Chatham, United States.
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IPG Group
180 Uitbreidingstraat, Antwerpen, Flanders, 2600, Belgium
$100 M
Business Services, Call Centers & Business Centers
Ice Breakers
Imagine you could know all about IPG Group - Bonita Logan’s company, before you contact them. Warm up a cold prospect with Datanyze icebreakers
Bonita’s company in the news
Mint acquires payment gateway IPG Group
September 30, 2021
Insights to Break the Ice
In your first interaction
Bonita is located in United States
Work Colleague
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