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Kornyk Computer Solutions International

Company Name

Kornyk Computer Solutions International

Main Industry

Consumer Electronics & Computers Retail, Retail


Kornyk Computer Solutions International Profile and History

Founded in 1997 and headquartered in Abbotsford, British Columbia, KCSI made it a point to hire great people, continuously refine our software development and management processes, and invest in the ongoing development of technologies and expertise. Our mission is to deliver cost effective, quality-centric and scalable solutions thus helping our clients and partners generate outstanding business r esults and project returns. There are now thousands of clients that span the globe, in many different industries including military, government, schools, factories, hospitals, police departments and many more using software developed by KCSI. KCSI provides professional IT services consisting of custom software development, website design and maintenance, search engine optimization, pay-per-click campaign management and implementation of other internet advertising initiatives for businesses worldwide. Our main focus is building long-term strategic partnerships with our clients. Analysis of your business processes gives us a better understanding of your business goals, so our products and services are always tailor made just for you. KCSI mobilizes the right resources and technologies globally to help clients shorten the path between their vision and reality. KCSI guarantees results by providing a full-range of powerful customized programming, accounting solutions, salesand- time management solutions, technical support, web, e-commerce, and interactive services to companies around the globe. Our expertise in the rapidly changing array of internet technology provides our clients with strategically appropriate solutions targeted to ensure optimal results. Our diversified experience saves our clients money. We have a solid core of programmers and understand what a deadline means. The birth of SIMMS Inventory Management Software: Why KCSI Built SIMMS Inventory Software Requirement: In 1997 we realized that the major gap in business/accounting software was true inventory control, companies needed to increase efficiency to ...

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Contact Information


31234 Wheel Ave Unit 201, Abbotsford, British Columbia, V2T 6G9, Canada

(604) 504-7936


$2.3 M





Top Kornyk Computer Solutions International Integrations and Technologies

Here's a list of some of the top trending technologies and APIs used by Kornyk Computer Solutions International.

Frameworks and Libraries

(7 Technologies)

Web and Application Servers

(3 Technologies)

Web Accelerators

(2 Technologies)

Web Hosting

(2 Technologies)

Programming Languages

(2 Technologies)

Kornyk Computer Solutions International Email Formats

ParameterSample EmailPercentage

Kornyk Computer Solutions International Top Competitors

CompanyEmployeesRevenueTop technologies
Clear Spider

Clear Spider

20$5.9 M


18$4.8 M
Pacific Amber Technologies

Pacific Amber Technologies

15$4.3 M
Decision Software

Decision Software

20$4.8 M
Blue Link Associates

Blue Link Associates

31$5.6 M

What is Kornyk Computer Solutions International revenue?

Kornyk Computer Solutions International revenue is $2.3 M

How many employees does Kornyk Computer Solutions International have?

Kornyk Computer Solutions International has 12 employees

Where is Kornyk Computer Solutions International headquarters located?

Kornyk Computer Solutions International headquarters are located in 31234 Wheel Ave Unit 201, Abbotsford, British Columbia, V2T 6G9, Canada

What are Kornyk Computer Solutions International’s primary industries?

Kornyk Computer Solutions International’s main industries are: Consumer Electronics & Computers Retail, Retail

What are some additional names or alternative spellings that users use while searching for Kornyk Computer Solutions International?

Kornyk Computer Solutions International appears in search results as Kornyk Computer Solutions International Inc, Kornyk Computer Solutions International, CRM UnleashedKcsi, SIMMS Software...See More