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Catholic Organization for Life and Family

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Catholic Organization for Life and Family

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Catholic Organization for Life and Family Profile and History

COLF is an independent entity and speaks in its own name on subjects within its mandate. It also works in close collaboration with the CCCB and the Knights of Columbus. COLF's office is on the CCCB premises. Contacts between COLF and its partners are assured by the CCCB appointing two bishops and the Knights of Columbus appointing two of its members to the Board of Directors. Good communication is maintained by the circulation of information and Board decisions to the CCCB and the Knights of Columbus.

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Contact Information


2500 Don Reid Dr, Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 2J2, Canada

(613) 241-9461


$2.7 M





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What is Catholic Organization for Life and Family revenue?

Catholic Organization for Life and Family revenue is $2.7 M

How many employees does Catholic Organization for Life and Family have?

Catholic Organization for Life and Family has 13 employees

Where is Catholic Organization for Life and Family headquarters located?

Catholic Organization for Life and Family headquarters are located in 2500 Don Reid Dr, Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 2J2, Canada

What are Catholic Organization for Life and Family’s primary industries?

Catholic Organization for Life and Family’s main industries are: Organizations, Organizations, Religious Organizations

What are some additional names or alternative spellings that users use while searching for Catholic Organization for Life and Family?

Catholic Organization for Life and Family appears in search results as Catholic Organization For Life And Family, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Organization for Lifecatholic organization for life andCATHOLIC...See More